Returns & Exchange Policy


We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase but If you need to return or exchange an item, we are happy to help.

To be eligible for an exchange or return, your item must be returned within 3 days of receiving it, in the original condition in which it was sent to you. It must be unworn, unwashed and free from alterations, make-up, stains and smells. We also cannot accept items with removed tags or that have been damaged.

When your item is received, we will inspect it and notify you via email. If upon inspection it is found that the item is defective, you will not be eligible for an exchange, return or store credit.


To exchange an item, send us an email at stating your order number, the item you want to exchange and the reasons why you want to exchange or return the item. We will reply with exchange/return instructions including a return address within 1-2 business days.

We advice that you use a courier service that provides tracked shipping to ensure that we receive your item. Please note we are not responsible for tracking your return and we are also not responsible for any item that has not been received by us.

Please ensure you pay all applicable customs fees when making a return as we are unable to bear this cost.


We inspect each item carefully for faults before sending them out, but in the unlikely event that you find a fault, we ask that you inform us of this. Please inspect your order and contact us within 48 hours of delivery if you receive a wrong item, or the item is faulty or defective and we will immediately rectify the error. We will request pictures and/or video evidence in its current condition


Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any shipping costs arising from the exchange or return of an item delivered in good condition. The customer is also responsible for any shipping costs associated with the exchange or return of a defective item not eligible for an exchange or refund.

If you received free shipping, you will be charged for the shipping fee we paid if you decide to return the product.


Please note that sale and clearance items, swimwear and intimate apparel are FINAL SALE and are not eligible for returns and exchanges except the wrong size or item was received.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on gift cards.